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标签:处理,混凝土,外墙,渗漏,漏处 时间:2024年04月24日 阅读299

First, the outer wall casing pipe on the pull screw waterproof sealing process:
1. 扩大对拉螺杆两端部位混凝土并成漏斗状,剔除多余套管。
1 expand the concrete at both ends of the pulling screw and funnel shape, remove excess casing.

2. 墙体外侧采用聚合物氯丁胶乳水泥砂浆封堵,并养护14d。
2 outside the wall of the use of polymer latex cement mortar block, and maintenance of 14D.

3. 在墙体内侧对套管内灌注无压力聚合物类水泥胶浆或硬质发泡聚氨酯材料(百度SEO优化),要求嵌填精密,外观平整。
3 in the inner side of a wall of polymer cement mortar or rigid polyurethane foam material without pressure on casing filling, filling the requirements of tight, smooth surface.

4. 在墙体迎水面一侧(河南人事考试网站),施工螺杆位置涂刷1.5mm厚聚合物水泥屋顶防水涂料附加层,附加层范100 x 100mm。

4 in the wall facing the water side, the construction of the construction of the screw position 1.5mm thick polymer cement waterproof coating of the additional layer, additional layer fan 100 100mm X.

Two, the external wall inlay solid type to pull the screw waterproof sealing process:
1. 逐个剔除墙体内、外侧对拉螺杆根部混凝土,并形成漏斗状。
1 to remove the wall, the outer side of the screw root concrete, and form a funnel shape.

2. 清理浮尘碎屑并浇水湿润。
2 clean dust debris and water.

3. 用聚合物氯丁胶乳水泥砂浆封堵内外侧螺杆孔凹槽并压实抹光。
3 use polymer chloride latex cement mortar to block the internal and external screw hole groove and press the light.

4. 在墙体迎水面一侧,施工螺杆位置涂刷1.5mm厚聚合物水泥屋顶防水涂料附加层,附加层范100mm x 100mm。
4 in the wall facing the water side, the construction of the construction of the screw position 1.5mm thick polymer cement waterproof coating of the additional layer, the additional layer fan x 100mm 100mm.