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标签:板面,墙面,渗水,水的,施工,体例 时间:2024年04月27日 阅读281

原因分析 Reason:
(1) the construction quality of concrete and mortar is bad;
(2) the board, partition slight crack:
(3) poor quality or damage of waterproof coating.

堵漏措施 Plugging measures:
(1) removal of decorative materials, exposure to water seepage, coating waterproof coating. In addition to polyurethane waterproof coating, usually with fiber materials to repair.

(2)如有开裂征象,则应对裂缝进行加强屋顶防水处理;贴缝法:对细小的发丝裂缝,可刷屋顶防水涂料并加贴防水聚酯布,作屋顶防水处理;填缝法:若较显明的裂缝,要进行扩缝处理(北京设计),将缝扩展成15 ×15mm左右的V型槽,在清理干净后(河南人事考试),刮填屋顶防水涂料或嵌缝材料;填缝加贴缝:除采用填缝法处理外,在缝外观再涂刷屋顶防水涂料,并粘贴防水聚酯布处理。亦可不拆除饰面,直接在其外观刷涂纯丙烯酸屋顶防水涂料。
(2) if there are cracks, cracks should strengthen waterproof treatment; mount joint method: tiny hair crack, can brush waterproof paint and add fiber material or cloth, waterproof treatment; filling method: if the crack is obvious, to enlarge the joint treatment, will be extended to V type groove joint about 15 * 15mm, in clean, scraping fill waterproof coating or caulking material; filling affixed by caulking seams: in addition to treatment, the joint surface waterproof coating is coated, and paste fiber material processing. Can not remove the surface, directly on the surface of transparent or colored polyurethane waterproof coating.