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标签:沥青,屋顶,防水,卷材,选择,细致,要点 时间:2024年04月26日 阅读299


1) asphalt waterproof coiled material is used to restrict the use of technology, in which type I, II type asphalt waterproof coiled material is suitable for auxiliary waterproof, protective isolation layer, temporary building waterproof, building moisture proof and packing etc..

2) type III asphalt waterproof coiled material shall not be used in building roof and all kinds of underground waterproof engineering. When the waterproof grade for grade III or IV building roofing waterproof layer, respectively, according to the "three felt four oil" and "two felt three oil" stack method and asphalt Ma te fat together constitute a waterproof fortification

3) with laminated laying asphalt waterproofing materials, adhesive layer thickness: Rema te fat should be 1 ~ 1.5mm, the cold mastic should be 0.5 ~ 1mm; the thickness of the surface layer: Rema te fat should be 2 ~ 3mm, the cold mastic should be 1 ~ 1.5mm. mastic coating should be uniform not too thick or too thin.