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标签:多层,停车,停车场,车场,桥面,面面,屋顶,防水,施工 时间:2024年04月20日 阅读233

1 下层应结实、平整。铲除疏松结构、清除油脂和其他妨碍下层与涂料粘结的物质。
1 grassroots should be firm, smooth. Eliminate loose structure, remove grease and other substances that interfere with the adhesion between the substrate and the coating.

2 孔洞用砂浆修平。裂缝适当凿宽,然后用薇妮聚合物柔性屋顶防水涂料浆料填平。
2 holes with mortar leveling. And then use the appropriate cut crack width, filled vennytex polymer flexible waterproof coating slurry.

3 vertical interface with vennytex flexible polymer waterproof coating into slope.

4 施工前基面用水冲洗干净。

4 before the construction of surface water rinse.

5 需增强部位:阴阳角、板端缝、结构裂缝、后浇缝、变形缝等均需做增强屋顶防水处理。
5 need to strengthen the parts: Yin and yang angle, the end of the plate joints, structural cracks, after pouring joints, deformation joints are required to do to strengthen the water treatment.

6 增强屋顶防水层工法:在已填平缝隙或已做成斜坡面的基面上涂刷一道薇妮聚合物柔性屋顶防水涂料,当其仍然潮湿状态时(成都人事考试网首页),加铺一层防水聚酯布(烤蓝钢带),用刷子刷平整,不留皱折或气泡。再加涂一层同样涂料,使其浸透防水聚酯布。做室外停车场和桥面屋顶防水时,应根据当地气温条件选用对应涂料。
6 strengthen the waterproof layer technology: on the surface of the base has filled gaps or has been made on the slope of a flexible polymer waterproof paint, when it is still wet trend, paving a layer of polyester nonwoven fabric, with scraper scraping, leaving no wrinkles or bubbles. And then coated with a layer of the same paint, so that the non-woven fabric. When the outdoor parking and bridge deck waterproofing, should be selected according to the local temperature conditions.

7 in good surface treatment on the roller coating a flexible polymer waterproof coating, when it is still wet trend, paving a layer of polyester nonwoven fabric, with scraper scraping, leaving no wrinkles or bubbles. And then coated with second layers of the same paint, so that the non-woven fabric. The overlap width between non-woven fabrics is 10cm.
